Monday, August 23, 2010


So I weighed myself after a month and I lost NINE pounds!!!!!

I am soooooooooo JAZZED!

That makes a total of 32 pounds so far and that's with falling off the wagon and not exercising really at *all*!

WOW. I can't believe I've lost 32 pounds!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Mmmm dinner!

OKay so we are eating this a LOT  ... steak and veggies!

 And neither of us seem to have ANY sign of getting sick of it LOL!

Tonight I scored a BIG OL' steak that I got for ... wait for it ... 36 CENTS! Man, I LOVE it when they put the wrong price on things! (and yes, this was most definitely a boo-boo on pricing, it was fresh and a gorgeous slab of beef).

The LAST time I scored something like that - was I got one of those little honey glazed hams for 27 cents - also a pricing mistake, and I to this day - check ALL the stupid prices on any meat I'm thinking to buy, just to see if I might score another deal.

Sooo I was rewarded YET again!

So word to the wise - oh ye readers out there ... check EVERY piece of meat that they have put out for selection - and along with checking the weight, the date, and the color and freshness of the meat  while looking for the best one you can afford - check the price as well. You never know what you might find! :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Amazing Difference!

So Saturday, we walked in the full hot sun and me in black (of course, like a dolt), for hours up in Columbia State Park.

I actually stood and walked for over an HOUR. Okay I know, this is such not a big deal to regular folk, but for ME ... this is an astonishing improvement! ESPECIALLY since I haven't been strictly eating paleo.

Then again, I really never *fully* fell off the wagon, but I've added in non paleo foods here and there about every other day or so and sometimes for a few days in a row here and there.

Nonetheless, the mere fact that I could stand and walk without additional siupport is a wonder. Now, I *am* sore still a little, but I attribute that to the wheat products. I'm 100% sure that had we NOT eaten ANY wheat products that evening we'd have been fully perfectly NOT sore.

But I seem to desire to have this message repeated to me through pain since I keep trying to add in wheat stuff here and there like a dork.

But still, I am SOOOOOOOOOO proud of my fat ass. LOL! and hey - that got in a huge chunk of exercise, I cannot wait to weigh myself this week rofl.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I need a new phone ...

I need to get a phone that takes AWESOME pictures. My phone sucks booty when it comes to pictures.

But my little point and shoot is a total pain to take food pictures with, so I find I take less and less pictures as I have to go find the camera, then charge it (since it always seems it it's needs to be charged), clear out a card, throw the picture onto my laptop, and then crop and edit it in photoshop and THEN upload it.

Complete pain in the tush.

Sooo I don't take pictures as often these days. But I *do* get a free upgrade, sooo its all now trying to figure out WHAT phone to get. Any ideas out there?

I'm with Verizon, and that isn't likely to change. I don't have internet with my package, though I'm considering it.

What phones do YOU guys like out there? Which ones take the best pictures??? I'd sure love to hear what folks think would be great choices!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Getting Motivated

Well due to some financial issues I sort of fell off the paleo wagon - just couldn't afford it!

Sad to say that I have learned poor=obesity in today's America. It is a sad sad state that if you are poor that you CANNOT eat pure unprocessed food! In what reality does THAT make the slightest bit of sense?

but now we will be able to start up again and I have to say that I am relieved. I have become very enamored of eating paleo and I miss seeing my progress. I look forward to making strides forward again with my health and feeling better with every single passing day!  :)